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I hope you find this website interesting, educational, and useful. Please carefully read the following disclaimer. If you have objections, you agree to leave the site.
The information contained on this website is educational in nature, is provided only as general information, and is not intended to be used to diagnose or treat any particular disease or condition, nor is it intended as a substitute for consultation with your professional health care provider. If you have any questions about whether or not to use EFT or any other aspects of Holistic Life Coaching, you are advised to consult your physician or licensed mental health practitioner. While all materials and links to other resources are posted in good faith, the accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information herein, as with any publication, cannot be guaranteed.
The information on this website is not intended to, and does not create or constitute a client-coach or any other type of professional relationship between you and Caio Paagman.
You understand you will be introduced to a modality called Emotional Freedom Technique (“EFT”) as well as other life coaching and health improvement techniques. While these techniques have been used by thousands of practitioners worldwide with exceptional results and minimal side effects, this does not guarantee that you will not experience any negative side effects. If you use these techniques on yourself or others, you agree to take full responsibility for yourself and the treatment. You acknowledge and understand that the author does not know how you will personally respond or whether the techniques will help you with a particular problem or issue. Any stories or testimonials expressed by the individuals who contribute content to this site are solely their own and do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of any particular individual using any of the techniques for any particular issue.
EFT and holistic life coaching techniques should not be considered a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis, or for medical or psychological treatment. Reading this material and using these techniques on yourself or receiving EFT from a certified practitioner do not replace health care from medical and psychological professionals. You agree to consult with your health care provider as appropriate for any mental or physical ailment of which you are aware. In addition, you understand that any information presented or referenced here is not to be considered a recommendation that you stop seeing any of your health care professionals or using prescribed medication.
By continuing to read this site and/or using any of its information, you knowingly and voluntarily accept and assume any risks. By continuing to explore my website, you acknowledge and agree to all of the above.