(250) 688 0321

Caio was born in Canada and grew up in Holland, where she survived and surpassed a challenging childhood to become a successful life coach. Caio owned and operated a busy dental surgery clinic and found that she enjoyed coaching her young staff members through life's difficulties.
Caio sold her practice, and she and her husband moved to the Purcell Mountains of British Columbia, Canada, where they bought some land and built an entire farm from scratch, delighting in the hard work and clean living in a pristine environment.
Caio and her husband have 9 children. Sometimes friends back in Holland mentioned children they knew who were experiencing problems, young people who were choosing wrong paths in life, or adults who seemed unable to find their happiness. Caio took them into her family home for a few weeks to a few months, continuing the counselling work she had begun in her dental clinic.
She gave them the foundations of her holistic life coaching - foods with life force, energy drinks and instruction on the importance of water, exercise and fresh air and nature, and conversations about a positive view of self and how to set goals. All of her visitors went back home to an improved life with a new set of skills.
Holistic life coaching is now Caio's main focus, giving personalized sessions over the phone, through Skype, or in person, and in group retreats in Caio's Cabin.
A friend had learned something called Emotional Freedom Technique, and needed someone to practice on. Caio agreed, and discovered a vital tool that helped her focus her creativity and discover her self-confidence. She dove into the world of concrete art and design, and EFT helped her succeed in a very macho culture with its own language and a steep learning curve. Now Caio is an internationally-acclaimed and award winning concrete artist.
Caio has continued her training, mastering 3 levels of EFT with Carol Look and becoming a Certified Coach Practitioner from the Certified Coaches Federation.
Caio is an accomplished concrete artist, and her work has won international design awards. You can see her work at