(250) 688 0321

My name is Caio Paagman, and I have spent my life helping others rediscover their self-confidence and find fulfilling lives and careers. I have helped everyone from business professionals to lost youth move beyond their limiting beliefs.
I know how to help you find greater self-esteem, love, and success in your life. Find your inner self.
Spend a fun and fulfilling weekend at Caio's Cabin and learn the fundamentals you need to help turn your life around. Over 3 days you will learn valuable tools for a healthy lifestyle, a positive self-image, and goal-setting for a new and exciting future.
Contact me for more information and Retreat dates, and give me a call to book your Retreat.
Your life challenges are unique. So are your opportunities. I offer individualized Life Coaching sessions over the telephone, through Skype, or in person to help you surpass your obstacles and realize a life with no regrets.
Check out the Life Coaching page to learn more, then give me a call to book your session.
Emotional Freedom Technique helped me focus my creativity, find the courage to pursue a wild idea, and have the confidence to become an award-winning concrete artist. It is an invaluable tool for self-discovery and living a life with no regrets. Everyone should know how to use it, and I teach the use of EFT in all my Cabin Retreats and Holistic Life Coaching. You can learn it, too.
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